But for fun, Soren and I went to see a DJ sets by Ed Banger artists at Matter, a club in London. Very nice. Very loud. Very fun.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Ed Banger, the DJs at the show included DJ Mehdi, Justice, Busy P, among others. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the biggest fan of the genre, more of a casual listener. But I really enjoyed the sets.
(The show was called "This Is Not London". Well, then where was I on Saturday night?)
On Sunday, Soren, my friend Tejmur (pronounced Tee-mur - I think) and I went to see Arsenal take on West Ham. For those of you who don't know, I normally pick teams to follow based on going to a game and see who plays better.
This happened with the San Francisco 49ers, Real Madrid, among others. And clearly, Arsenal played better. Won 0-2.
So now I'm an Arsenal fan. So bugger off you lads from Tottenham!
That's about it for the updates.