Tuesday, October 7, 2008

#6 Bubbled Blisters

A blister is a bubble of fluid that collects under the top layer of skin. Sometimes blisters can form when your skin constantly rubs on a rough surface. These can be painful.

Especially when you're walking almost 5 miles, according to Google Maps. But according to what we actually walked, it was probably closer to 6. Since we made some wrong turns and Google creates its path based on the quickest (and most logical) route.

My first full day here, Helena and a friend she knows took me around the city. She has been here quite a lot and it was nice to have a helpful guide take me to some 'must see' London points of interest.

Here's the map of our trek. (Click on the image to make it readable)

For those keeping score at home, marker H is our school.

So now I have these blisters that are still bothering me from that day. But it's a small price to pay when you are in a city that not only begs to be seen on foot, but rewards you for your effort.

Don't worry, I won't post pictures of my blister. Unless someone requests it...


Josh Gordon said...

Ya know, I wouldn't mind a gander at at a bubble of fluid under the top layer of your skin. Your blog is so fancy and constantly updated with pictures, maps and proper spelling. It makes mine look messy. Go Ducks!

Anti-S said...

It's not a competition. It's an exhibition.


Helena said...

haha. those blisters were worth it! especially since i had to buy a whole new set of socks to put on cause my feet started to hurt.

Go H&M!