Monday, October 13, 2008

#9 Poll

Sorry Josh, but I had to use my shnazzy working Internet to... upgrade my blog!

Now HeyGordon is interactive. But don't worry, little bro. It isn't a competition. Because I'm kicking your ass and a competition is, at its heart, competitive.

Just Joshin', of course.

ANYWAYS, just look to the side of your screen (your right, my left - now a little bit lower) and you'll see a newly created poll where you, my readers in the blogosphere, can choose what I will do for my homework assignment from my last post.

It's like a choose your own adventure blog. But you don't get the adventure, I do.

Vote early because it's due Thursday. Thanks!

(If you don't know who Josh is, he's my little brother who is living in Ghana. Yeah... it's in Africa somewhere. He's working there, can you believe it? He's got this cool blog that you should check out:


Anonymous said...

hey david. just checked out your blog. sounds like a great assignment. how about trying to rehabilitate a homeless person (i.e. get him a haircut, help him find a job, be moral support...i guess it depends on how long the project supposed to last?) whatever you do, i'm sure it'll be great!
lots of love, tina.

Anonymous said...

I have a great idea. Why don't you quit playing around and get a job and pay your mom back!

Press Play said...

Bar fight, Bar fight, Bar fight!!!